About us
Yoga Health Connect (YHC) delivers yoga therapy solutions to individuals and health professionals throughout Wales and the UK.
Our vision
YHC offers a unique, professional approach to health sector engagement via GP surgeries, hospital departments and professional and academic research to build the yoga therapy and therapeutic yoga evidence base. This is an essential core characteristic of YHC service delivery.
The YHC vision is to empower individuals who have a health condition and health professionals to make confident choices when seeking therapeutic yoga and yoga therapy in their communities. YHC delivers services via health-related organisations and recognised medical pathways of intervention as a support to individuals and end users who may otherwise be unable to access yoga that is suitable for them, e.g. due to cost or scepticism of the benefits of yoga or fear of going to a yoga class.
With empathy, dignity and humility YHC practitioners will support people who currently experience a lack of social or economic privilege to gain access to yoga as a person-centred source for wellness and to benefit from undertaking yoga practice as a holistic healing modality.
YHC will connect people, those who are in receipt of support from health care providers (including GPs, consultants, etc.) and keyed into local community services or third sector services, with suitable therapeutic yoga based on their needs. YHC will provide an approved service which has been appropriately designed with specific client groups in mind. YHC will work in conjunction with health specialists to achieve the most impactful outcomes that are possible for the individuals that receive the yoga service.
Ensure the positive impact of yoga therapy is accessible to the public to inspire health & wellbeing so those suffering may benefit from the therapeutic effects of yoga therapy in an affordable and effective manner.
Health Organisations
Grow the evidence base of quality yoga therapy research to support the integration and awareness of findings and benefits into the healthcare profession. Raise awareness of the legitimacy of yoga therapy within the healthcare framework as a holistic, lifestyle medicine as a free/low-cost service for sustainable health to relieve the burden on health care services.
Yoga industry
Increase levels of applied quality assurance by raising professional standards by sharing good practice of the yoga therapy discipline. Provide yoga therapists with meaningful and quality work opportunities and utilise UK professional therapeutic standards to upgrade the quality and recognition of yoga as a health intervention. This will be achieved through the development and wider application of yoga ethics, professional templates, resources, good practices at a YHC policy level and ensure that clients and individuals participate in this process.